Nc General Contractor Classifications

North Carolina General Contractor Classifications: What You Need to Know

As a homeowner or business owner in North Carolina, you understand the importance of hiring a reliable and licensed general contractor for your building needs. But did you know that there are different classifications of general contractors in North Carolina? Understanding these classifications can help you make an informed decision when hiring a contractor for your project.

The North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors (NCCLBGC) is responsible for licensing and regulating general contractors in the state. The board issues licenses based on the type of work a contractor can perform, as well as the size and complexity of the projects they can handle.

Here’s a breakdown of the different classifications of general contractors in North Carolina:

Limited License: This license allows contractors to perform projects with a total cost of $500,000 or less. Limited license holders are not allowed to bid on projects that exceed this amount. Additionally, these contractors are only permitted to work on projects in their specific trade (e.g., electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning).

Intermediate License: Contractors with an intermediate license are permitted to work on projects with a total cost of $1,000,000 or less. They can bid on projects of any size, but are only allowed to work on projects in their specific trade.

Unlimited License: This license allows general contractors to work on any project, regardless of its size or cost. They can bid on and oversee all trades involved in the project, including electrical, plumbing, and HVAC work.

Specialty License: Specialty licenses are issued to contractors who have specialized knowledge or expertise in a particular area of construction. Examples of specialty licenses include roofing, masonry, and swimming pools.

It’s important to note that just because a contractor has a license doesn’t necessarily mean they are qualified for the job. Make sure to do your due diligence and research potential contractors before hiring them. Look at their experience, references, and work portfolio to ensure they are the right fit for your project.

In addition to licensing, the NCCLBGC also offers a search tool on their website where you can verify a contractor’s license, check if they have any violations or complaints against them, and see if their license is active and up-to-date.

In summary, understanding the different classifications of general contractors in North Carolina can help you make an informed decision when hiring a contractor for your project. Make sure to do your research and verify a contractor’s license before hiring them to ensure you have a reliable and qualified partner for your building needs.